Sunday 30 November 2014

Birthday Surprise yang EPIC @ Chemistry Cafe (again???)

A very last minute plan (not even a plan) to make a date with my bff Ija sempena her birthday today. Tak sampai ati pulak tengok ada kawan kita yang tak tiup lilin kek on her birthday eventhough die x kesah pon..  So, we decided to chill at Chemistry Cafe as she was kinda crave for the cakes that i used to upload in my blog..Ms Shasha (cafe owner)..please note that my friend ni is the 4th batch yang diintroducekan ke cafe u ni tau..;)))..agak2 i layak dapat food voucher tak??? ngeeee... 

Without Ija's knowledge, while ordering, i requested for the barista to throw a surprise birthday singing with a single lilin on top of its best seller - Reese Peanut Butter Choc Cake..dengan confidentnye cashier girl tanya "u nak after main course ke? u duduk meja mane?..takut tersilap bagi.." Dah settle bayar.. chit chat la dengan Ija while waiting for our food & drinks to be served..Surprisingly, dengan selambanya they served the cakes (which are supposed to be surprised with the candle on top)..gerammm ni..hasrat nak buat surprise dah terkantoi dgn waitress2 I decided to berterus terang.."Ala sorry.. these cakes were supposed to be a surprise to you..budak2 ni tak alert lah..lupe lah tu dah ramai sangat orang..huhu"...Ija replied "no wonder la you gave that kind of look tadi..haha..better not..ko jangan bagi malu aku" we deal with it.. but few minutes later datanglah another waitress yang dengan muka ala2 membuat lakonan plastik ke table kami "excuse me, kek ni dah tersalah hantar " and terus grab the cake menuju ke belakang counter... we both looked at each other and burst into laughters...Alahai..dah kantoi, they tried to counter back to make the surprise still happening as requested earlier... "ko buat2 surprise je la Ija"..hahahah..

The moment of truth when we heard them singing "Happy birthday to you..." (mase ni Ija dah ready nak buat2 muka plastik yang surprise kot).. then, the singing stops..alaaa..lilin pulak padam..lari pulak waitress2 tu ke belakang nak nyalakan lilin balik.. and again we both gelak cam giler!!..Their second attempt to surprise berjaya jugak akhirnya..tapi lilinnya masih padam so nyalakan je lah atas meja...hahha..Wahhh..above all the kekantoian..the whole cafe patrons were singing & clapping along for Ija..Sangat EPIC lah your surprise ni Ija..I bet you're going to remember this at least sampai your next birthday ye..hahah..

Credit to all baristas!! Despite of the surprise failures, you girls still make an effort for making this happened & happening!! THANK YOU... 
 Luckily, they didn't go out of stock..Ritz Zainal, sila cube datang lagi...
 Semua menu creamy & berlemak!! Hot classic Vanilla, Reese Peanut Butter Cake, Charcoal Crepe Cake, Chicken Carbonara
Happy Birthday to this strong lady whom I know raising her lovely daughter alone.. May you get all you desire.  With a new year of your journey, shall come more challenges, opportunities and greater success.  May Allah bless you!

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