Monday 24 November 2014

Ritz @ Chemistry Cafe

Baru ingat taknak makan malam hari ni but suddenly my bff Ritz called and said he's on the way to chemistry cafe sek 7 shah alam!!..memang takde chemistry sunggoh dgn program2 diet ni..huh.. as we arrived, i ordered one of their signature ice blended drink "Monster Oreo" since i was into espresso-choco craved..Ritz yg dlm mode kelaparan kebingungan nak makan apa since this cafe only offered limited entres... ade la few selection of pastas.. lastly he goes for carbonara sambil mengomel i membongakkan die..udah ku bilang yg cafe ni is an after-meal cafe where you would only drop by for coffee & cakes or perhaps pastries.. ooohh..earlier i requested for waffle malangnya waffle maker pulak rosak (errrr... baru lagi kot cafe ni)..nampaknya belom rejekiku menjamah waffle2 yg kelihatan menggoda we had that last slice of butterscotch cake for dessert..their best-sellers were all sold out!! Tengah2 syok sembang the barista approached & apologise that they ran out of spaghetti so the only one left they could offer was nak taknak terpaksalah si Ritz ni setuju sambil molot tak berenti mengomel kata aku membongakkan die lagi & tak pasal2 si barista terpaksa mendengar leteran die yg kunun jauh2 datang semata nak try food kat sini.. dengan rasa bersalah..berkali kali minta maaf & siap bawak 1 slice of choc peanut butter crepe kek yg lazat for free...memang lazat pon..i wondered how many layers of crepes they made to form into cake...alhamdulillah...bukan pasal kek free semata, what's more is budi bahasa dari seorang anak melayu yang dah jarang2 saya lihat..sampai kami berangkat pergi pon masih minta maaf..inilah ilmu "human skill" yang tak terdapat dalam mana-mana buku service quality pun..melainkan dipelajari dengan hati yang ikhlas & suci....

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