Wednesday 26 November 2014

"Berasap" di ROA by Jovian Mandagie

Eversince its launches few weeks ago..i can't wait to favor the menadonese delicacies offered in here.. tekak ni dah terbiasa dengan nasik padang & selera jawa or i wondered how the menadonese would taste like..?? since bff ku from KK - Seni dah kembali ke semenanjung, we took this chance to meet up together with Ruzi & Marina & macam biasa agenda utamanya ialah MAKAN..Makanya, eateries yg tgh trending ni jadi pilihan..Jovian Mandagie whose family's roots stretch back to Manado is a well known fashion designer turned to f&b entrepreneur recently by opening an upscale Indonesian-themed restaurant in Seksyen 7 Shah Alam..the  rest name is ROA - bukanlah akronim but according to the friendly and  pleasant manager - Ms Hasnidah is a type of fish..jenuh pikir ROA tu hape rope2nye ikan..selepas menyelak 10 kali menu card yang sangat trendy itu (menu on chopping board), we must admit that we didn't  have any idea on what to eat as we didn't familiar with the lists.. with the help from Ms Hasnidah, she suggested the signature Sup Sayur Asam (Jovian's favourite & hidangan paling mahal RM25) ROA sambal, Daging Sapi Sere & the super hot Ayam Rica Rica & dessert  Ais Kacang ..bila tiba hidangannya, i was quite shocked to see the small portion  of the nasi (about half cup) on the plate..apa ingat aku tgh diet "nasi segenggam" Kevin Zahri lagi ke??sedangkan jenuh skip lunch semata nak makan busat time dinner malam ni.. ROA sambal tu biase la ambik pon small size which cost RM10 sepiring, Ayam Rica Rica tu ada lah 4 ketol 1 bowl (so kami ambik la seketoi sorg), cuma sup asam tu nampak sedikit memberangsangkan bile dipersembahkan dalam mangkuk besar (maklumlah RM25) tapi bila bukak..alahai macam masak bening je, ade lah sayur ape ntah la dengan tomato & few slices of ikan kayu pon sup rasanye memang termasam masam lah..kata manager customer biasa sampai repeat order..tapi kami yang champion makan ni pun tak habes...what the...?? Ayam Rica Rica tu memang epik sebab sambalnya tersangatlah Hot to death tau..sampai naik tension makan.. macam2 perkataan keluar tatkala menikmati makanan yang sepatutnya nikmat malam tu...sambal menyusahkan la.. sambal nak bunuh orang la...hahaha...memang tragedi sunggoh rasenye..Si Seni yang dah terbiasa dengan sabahan food yang tak pedas memang dah rupa macam nak pengsan!!! (Omaigad).. macam2 cara kami suruh die buat..minum air panas, makan kek, minum Ais Kacang yg rase milo semata..huhuhu...ooh ya.. we expect the dessert tasted equally like those es teller selling in jakarta street tau..but end up macam shaved iced bubuh milo je..overall experience  was like a disaster.. maybe the menadonese food didn't  go well with our taste buds plus the super fiery hot taste almost kill our appetite. .the only thing  that we enjoyed on the table was the wondermilk cake ehsan meja sebelah who's coincidentally  celebrating  birthday..Total damaged was RM86.00...emmm..alahai sorry Jovian.. in this short time, i dont intend to revisit..tapi mungkin ada menu-menu lain yang lebih bagus kot..some other time perhaps after memori berasap dapat dilupakan....
P/s : credit to the interior deco..they really put much effort on this..

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